2021 Goals-Keeping It Simple

2021 is a brand new year to create new memories, set new goals, and continue to enjoy life! 2020 has been one heck of a year! It was the year of change and never-ending challenges. Am I right? When I think of the previous year, I think of all the struggles we must have endured and how we had to learn to navigate through our newfound pandemic life.

Understanding Diabetes

Over the past few years I’ve been working on managing my blood sugar levels due to the possibility of developing diabetes. I am here to break it down for myself, and those who want to know more about diabetes. Sometimes starting from the beginning or just going through the basics can help put things into perspective. Today, we will look at what diabetes is, and the different types there are.

Let’s talk about Collagen

Collagen is known to improve your hair, skin, nails, bones, ligaments and more. It makes your skin glow, enhances skin elasticity and supports healthy hair and nails. Why should we care about this protein substance that acts like superglue within our own bodies? Collagen upholds the structure within our connective tissues so when our skin starts to hangs it’s all due to our poor collagen production. Collagen production starts to slow down as we age but there are things we can do to help it from depleting completely...

Life Lessons I Learned in my 20’s

Reflecting back to my 20’s I learned a few lessons that made me grow as a individual. Now, I’m not saying that I am all-wise or all-knowing! No, I am far from that but I have learn a thing or two that has shaped me into the person that I am today. I could say that I wish I knew these things when I was younger but that would only take all the "FUN" out of these lessons. All I can do now is pass on what I have learned, and share my experiences with you. Here are things I learned in my 20’s....

Need a Better Night Sleep?

Anyone else have a bedtime routine? I follow my bedtime routine when I know I have been lacking a good night’s rest. Bedtime routines make you feel energized and refreshed the next day, but did you know there are other benefits when you catch more Zzz’s? According to Healthline, sleep is an important factor to obtaining a healthy body. Sleep is just as important as exercise and a healthy diet. Weight loss, productivity increase, a stronger immune system, and a better mood are the few profits you gain when you have a good night slumber...

5 Ways to Eliminate Toxic Thinking

When you wake up in the morning, what is the first thing you think of? Hmmm….Lately, I’ve been trying to focus on all the good things in my life but sometimes I revert back to old negative thinking habits. I’m talking about constantly thinking of the worst scenario for whatever situation I am currently in. This type of thinking is called rumination. It can even become a never ending self-destructive cycle...Here are 5 ways to eliminate toxic thinking;...

The Benefits of Healthy Relationships

When it comes to relationships, we never really think about how they benefit us in the long run. Sometimes we take our relationships (whether it’s a partner, a family member, a lifelong friend or even a new relationship) for granted. We don’t really sit back and evaluate how things have been going. But if we did, then we might be able to discover how our connections benefit us mentally, and physically. It turns out that being in a healthy strong relationship can lower rates of anxiety and depression, as well as increase ones self-esteem, and trust....

Setting Goals for 2020

It’s never too late to think about your goals, and what you want to accomplish whether it be within the New Year, or within the next 6 months. We all have goals we want to accomplish but we should reflect back as well. This gives us an opportunity to recognize our successes but also look at things that we want to improve. Celebrate your accomplishments! And recognize all the hard work you did over the last year...

Healthy Habits to Get Into

I know, we are all sad that the winter holidays are over but some of us ( like me!) are still acting as if the holidays have never left. All the yummy lattes, heavy rich foods plus staying up late has taken a toll on our bodies, but it’s not too late to change our habits around. Trust me! I love pumpkin spice lattes, tasty pastries, and staying up till 12, but this mama! needs to change her ways before she burns out. Here are some healthy habits that will help us bounce back...